Vacuum facial massage

Vacuum facial massage is another alternative to surgical and invasive rejuvenation techniques. The impact of vacuum on various parts of the body is a technology that has come down to us from the depths of centuries from civilizations different from each other, where it was used for medical purposes. Nowadays, vacuum massage, having received a deep scientific justification, has gained wide popularity and spread to the face area. Typically, rubber, silicone, or glass jars are used with a rubber pump to create negative pressure that affects all layers of the skin, as well as the muscles of the face. Under the influence of vacuum, blood circulation improves and lymph flow is restored, metabolism is accelerated and various stagnation phenomena are eliminated, the production of natural collagen is activated, cells are saturated with oxygen, skin respiration is enhanced and muscle tone is restored.

Such a wide range of impact consistently covers an even wider range of expectations:
- the skin becomes more elastic;
- its elasticity increases;
- improves the contractile function of the muscles;
- swelling on the face and circles under the eyes disappear;
- the cheeks, upper eyelids and corners of the eyes are raised;
- the oval of the face is leveled;
- age spots fade;
- the second chin decreases;
- pores shrink.

The vacuum massage procedure always gives a positive result, which contributes to the growth of its popularity. However, it must be remembered that working with banks requires a responsible approach. The face must be prepared, cleaned, applied with a lubricating layer, do not overdo it with a vacuum. Movements should be smooth, smooth, exactly along the massage lines, without changing direction. Removal of the cup at the end of the line should be done by pressure equalization, and not by forced detachment from the skin of the face.

In our studio, you can take a cupping facial massage as an additional procedure to the MFP or as an independent procedure in combination with a facial massage. It is also possible to pick up and purchase jars for independent home use.

The more effective and safer care tools you have in your arsenal, the more likely you are to win the fight to preserve youth.

Cupping vacuum massage procedure
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