Magic Light

The procedure includes.
- Make-up removal and deep cleansing with Nanodessert Triple mild.
- Facial skin peeling with Nanoasia Air Bubbles Peeling.
- Aqua peeling.
- Light manual facial massage with MPL elements.
- Photodynamic LED MASK therapy using Nanoasia Skin Do Light face mask.
- Hand massage and elbow treatment with Mnectars natural oils.
- Aromatherapy.

Nanoasia Skin Do Light face mask is a unique development of scientists. Phototherapy starts the natural regeneration of the skin, preventing premature aging and reducing existing wrinkles, normalizes muscle tone, restores the skin after the adverse effects of ultraviolet rays.

Depending on the tasks and individual characteristics of the skin, one can choose light of different wavelengths. It is red, yellow, white, purple green or blue.

The Nanoasia Skin Do Light face mask can be taken as an addition to any procedure, such as MFP, to enhance the effect obtained.

Recommended course: 1-2 procedures within 4-6 weeks. Results can be seen after 2-3 treatments.

Magic Light
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